UCS scientist Paula Garcia making a point in a presentation


Only policies based on the best available science can move us forward.

Only policies based on the best available science can move us forward.


经过多年对617888九五至尊娱乐的攻击, we need to restore and strengthen the role of federal scientists and science for the public good.

Federal agencies need to make decisions that follow the best available science and are free from political manipulation. Policies that affect the public’s health and well-being should be made with our best interests in mind, 而不是政客或他们的捐助者的利益. And communities should have ample opportunity for input into those decisions.

让这种基于617888九五至尊娱乐的政策成为可能, 我们还需要加强617888九五至尊娱乐队伍. Agencies need to revitalize recruitment of early career scientists and scientists from historically underrepresented backgrounds into federal government positions.

The UCS Center for 617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐 is bringing together policymaking expertise, 617888九五至尊娱乐知识, and community voices in order to ensure that scientists at federal agencies can do their work without politics getting in the way, that agencies have the scientific workforce they need to serve the public, and that community members who have a stake in decisions have a seat at the table.


  1. 提倡 为了恢复和加强617888九五至尊娱乐队伍, with a revitalized recruitment pipeline to bring new scientists into the federal government.

  2. 支持 the passage of the Scientific Integrity Act and holding the Biden administration accountable for promises made in its presidential memo on scientific integrity, including the institution of strong scientific integrity policies at federal agencies.

  3. 高亮显示 the connections between the federal scientific enterprise and the well-being of communities around the country, as well as encouraging more public participation in agency rule-making processes.
